Monday, February 25, 2013

Never stop living your dream, someday you shall have one worth sharing.

Come to think of it, life is but a dream or I would say, life is like a dream. We do not choose where it starts or whom to include in it. But it just happens and we continue to live trying to make the best of what we are in. We cannot choose how to end it but to some extend we know, we are the one controlling it. No matter how much we fight we still have to live the dream.

Like in a dream, the most important things in life we have no choice over. Your family, your heritage, your country, your religion, your culture and even your name is not of your making. We accept all this as an integral part of our lives and continue to live and fight with all our might to preserve it, all that we have not chosen.  Just like in a dream, you make all this an integral part of your life without questioning why? But when you wake up, you always have that question at the back of your mind- why did I have that particular dream? But never do we find a perfect answer to that question. And we wonder and keep wondering about the meaning of that dream. So it goes with life.

We will laugh at people for what they are and be proud of what you are or hate someone for what they have and what we don’t. But neither them nor have you chosen were you start in this dream called life. The difference between a man and great man is (as wise men have already said): men live in a dream and great men live their dream.

In the end you might remember your dream or you may not. Sometimes your dream is worth sharing and most times not. It is your choice as to what is worth sharing and what is not. The truth is no matter how and what you dream you have to wake up; what you did in that dream will wake you up happy or feeling miserable.

Never stop living your dream, someday you shall have one worth sharing.


Ninad Dighe.