In our scientific model of creation of the universe God has no role to play and we humans and life in general is an accident. Its just some chemicals being on earth at the right time in right concentration under right pressure. That to the chemicals brought to earth by comets and meteors. Even if we have answers to many of the question, we still don’t have answers to many more. All these other questions tell us there is more to universe than just pure logic, physics and science.
(Also read )
And I talked to myself:
He: We shall ask reverse questions, like, lets start with the present earth and go back to the past. The universe that we see today is a result of an Big bang.
Him: What is a big bang?
He: first there was a big mass of material i.e. all the planets, stars, galaxies etc, condensed into a very huge ball. It had such enormous gravity that this ball started collapsing under its own gravity, eventually it could not collapse anymore so with a bang exploded thus giving rise to the present universe. That’s what is ‘Big Bang’.
Him: Who created this ball of material? What was there before the ball existed?
He: I don’t know, I think even the scientist have no answer to that. Here, might be God created the ball.
Him: Who created God?
He: God was never created he just seem to exists forever.
Him: How come? Everything has a birth and death.
He: No, nothing can be created and destroyed. Everything exists and will continue to exists forever. Everything just changes from one form to another. But still remains in this universe.
Him: How?
He: Consider us, humans, we live and when we die we are either buried or burnt. When we are burnt we convert into ash, bones and certain gases but we still are on the universe in that form. The bones and ash might go to form dust but we still exist on the universe in another form. So in short nothing in this universe can be created nor destroyed. Newton said this about energy but its true for everything, everything in this universe is energy.
Him: You say we are not created but we are born. First we are nothing but we are born or created inside a women, isn’t it?
He: How?
Him: Sexually. Then we are formed inside an egg which in created internally in a women. Is it not?
He: See again the egg is not created from thin air neither are sperms. What we eat keeps us alive, the body just converts the proteins and other vitamins from the environment got from what we eat, drink and breath and convert it to bones, flesh, eggs and sperms. Take an pregnant women and don’t give her food to eat will her child survive will she survive?
Him: hmmmm ya taken. So everything just existed and nobody created it?
He: Its difficult to say. Our imagination cannot imagine to that extent, even if a few could it would be very difficult for the others to sink in the concept of the real creation.
Him: Why do you think so?
He: Religion.
Him: how come?
He: if you read the history you shall know. There have been more people killed in the name of religion than all the wars put together. Every one is so caught up in their religious belies that they believe the priests more than the truth.
Him: You mean God does not exists?
He: I never said that. He does exists, I say God is that force which lies beyond the understanding of the humans. God is the answer to the last how question. But if religion has it, we will have multiple Gods. Religion was made to socialize men but it has now turned to be a divider of mankind and then few humans took advantage of the dumbness of the other and in the name of religion and divided God.
Him: But it could be that, this is the perspective of scholars seeking the truth, they found an answer to the creation which they thought to be right, and the people who follow are the believers of that faith. If you say all speak of the same thing but in different words.
He: Hmm ya. No one has seen God. We just know he is there. Just like no one is certain about big bang but we believe it happened.
Him: Some also say the universe is finite, is it?
He: we don’t know for sure. They also say there are parallel universes, so making the universe finite. But many believe the universe is infinite. Nobody knows for sure.
Him: Yes, That’s there. If there are parallel universes and that we could compare each universe then they should be finite…. Hmmm.. if it were infinite how would we be able to compare it in the first place and the question of parallel universe wont arise.
He: yup. Then big bang would only explain the formation of galaxies. Not about the formation of universe. There could be many big bangs occurring simultaneously for parallel universes to exists. And as scientist predict that universe is expanding, one day, billions of billions of years latter the universes should overlap and then might from another big bang as they collapse with one another.
Him: I still fail to understand, if we say we are a part of the galaxy ‘Milky Way’ and this galaxy lies in the universe and if universe is finite, what does the universe lie in?
He: If the universe is finite it lies in the space. And if its infinite, its impossible to know.
Him: Thus that makes space infinite.
He: Yes.
Him: Then who created space? It was just there; just like that; hard to believe that.
He: Yup it is.
Him: so did God create it?
He: Might be.
Him: But you said nothing can be created.
He: At some point of time it had to be created before it could exist. At present there is no better explanation.
Him: So what scientists tell us might or might not be true?
He: Exactly! Scientists do research on the space and according to what they observe they try to come to a logical and mathematical conclusion. Thus making up a theory which seems to be true but might not be because in this vast universe the obvious might not be true. There are more mysteries in the universe than we could imagine.
My philosophy of the universe.
I believe everything in this universe is made up of a few fundamental elements. Mainly these elements are in the form of gasses. When these elements come under pressure and different conditions in the universe they combine to form different elements. Let take an example.
Consider Ice its in a solid state, when left at room temperature it melts to from water at higher temperatures it forms steam and then eventually will become separated into oxygen and hydrogen at even higher temperatures. Similarly consider a hard metal, when heated to its melting point it becomes a liquid and latter at even higher temperature it will turn in to a gaseous element.
Even for that matter our Sun is a huge mass of hydrogen and helium. All the solid elements are constantly in a race to get back to their original state. But the process for it to happen will take billions of years, as they go from one state to another. It would have taken billions of years for the basic elements to change from and be what they are in present. During this transition from one state to another many phenomenon’s happen and life is one of it. All, the earth, the sun the galaxies all are volatile and not stable they are in constant struggle to come back to their original state. Thus begins a journey of creation, destruction and recreation.
The creation of the galaxies could be explained with this model but who created the basic elements???
To be continued….
All in My brain,
NiNaD DiGhE.