Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Nature’s Idiots

Nature and technology are at a constant war where technology produces idiot proof products while nature idiots... as of now nature is winning.. The exact quote by author Rich Cook, "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning."

I believe nature is producing more and more idiots because we are making products for idiots. Things have become so simple that we can now play games sitting at home while kids pop pills for everything that was normal when I grew up in the 1980’s (Hyperactivity, too enthusiastic and more). It is just evolution taking its course in the millions who refrain from using their brains by inhibiting all the functions which are not necessary and intelligence is one of them.

More so I believe that the developed nations are producing more idiots than ever. With all their schemes of providing the public with all the aids and public funds has taken away their ambition of becoming someone! I have seen this attitude among people “Why do I have to worry? My government will look after me. I just need some extra cash for personal enjoyment”. I won’t say government help is bad but, at what cost?

We are to be blamed for more idiots on earth now than before. As an old saying goes “Necessity is the mother of inventions”, what if we have no necessities remaining what will happen to invention? That just what’s happening where companies tell you what you need rather than you telling them what we want. For example: bottled water, sun cream (we survived a million years without it; how suddenly the sun’s causing cancers?), iphone, ipad, blue ray, 4g, wi and much more. But again not much is wrong with having these technological advances but where do we draw the line: saying this is good for us and this is not.

Think over it, if you still know what that means.

Ninad Dighe.

(30th June 2010)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Margaret Stewart: How YouTube thinks about copyright | Video on

Margaret Stewart: How YouTube thinks about copyright | Video on