Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Right Balance

Why is it so difficult to strike a balance between what is good to do and what is right to do?

I believe when just one person (me) is concerned in a decision you can balance right.. but when your decisions influence or require the consideration of more than just you (many people).. The decision you make is a balance not of what you want but the collective wants of all the people involved... but that is the right balance though you might think it is not your balance.


Ninad Dighe.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Forgotten Truth

Hindu’s holy book Bhagvat Geeta which literally translates to ‘the word of God’, is a book of Hymns which speaks of philosophy of life. It is a story on a battle field telling what is the right thing to do and how we should be accepting life as it is. Whenever I feel low and whenever I worry about what to do I read the below summary of the book. I have translated it here in English; it always brings my sprit up, because it is not about religion here but a philosophy, a truth which we always forget. Hope it does some good to you.

That what happened, happened for good,

What is happening is happening for good.

What will come your way, will come only for the best.

What have you lost, for which you weep?

What have you brought with you, that which you have lost?

What have you created that which has been destroyed?

That what you took, you took from here;

That what you gave, you gave it here;

That what is yours today, wasn’t yours yesterday;

Tomorrow it would not be yours to keep.

You were born with nothing and you shall die with nothing.

Change is the only truth of life.

Bhagvat Geeta.


Ninad Dighe.