Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho)- My Take.

I had heard a lot about the book written by Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist and always wanted to read it. Considering it is one of the few books which has been translated in many different languages, it has to have something special, that it is a motivational book different from the rest- that is what I heard. After reading it I did realise, that the hype surrounding the book, in its true sense is not exaggerated and I am glad that I read it.

It is a story of a shepherd who is guided in his quest to fulfil his dream. In my blog I am not going to give a summary of the book nor am I writing a review. What I present here is my interpretation of what message the author wants to put forth. Everyone will have their own interpretation of the story, this is mine.

The Theme

“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it." Is the main theme put forth" by Mr. Paulo Coelho. No matter what your dream is you will achieve it if you keep to it.

In your Quest

Certain things will happen which will test your willingness to retain the quest of your dream. But if you overcome the hard times with a will to achieve what you aspire these hurdles shall pass. Hurdles are put in your way just to separate the weak from the determined. For, if everyone one has the same goal only those whose determination is stronger than the rest shall pass to the next stage. As quoted in the book, “Every search begins with beginners luck and ends with the victor’s being severely tested.”

Gain Some, Lose Some

You might not get exactly what you wanted, in your path to success you will lose some but gain a lot in the bargain. As you may learn new skills, start to appreciate certain things and above all gain knowledge far superior than what books can teach you. As quoted in the book “When someone makes a decision, he is really diving into a strong current that will carry him to places he had never dreamed of when he first made the decision.”

Be Ready

Learn to listen to the signs of the universe. When you desire something dearly, opportunities come knocking at your door be wary of them. Learn to grab those opportunities; for, if you nap for a moment and don’t hear that knock you won’t lose but you will have to wait a bit longer. As the universe has its mysterious ways of getting you to your goal and none which show you the path directly.

As quoted in the book, "Not always in this way, but I always appear in one form or another. Sometimes I appear in the form of a solution, or a good idea. At other times, at a crucial moment, I make it easier for things to happen. There are other things I do, too, but most of the time people don't realize I've done them."

In the End

Mainly don’t expect thing to come to you and don’t be surprised if you don’t get exactly what you are looking for as what you get would be much better in return. Nevertheless you will always be richer in the experience.

I would recommend the Alchemist to any anyone who wants to read a good book. The beauty of the book is it does not give you steps to success. It tells you are story, and a very powerful one which is open for any interpretation as the reader pleases.

The author refers to the word Maktub quite a few times. Maktub means “it is written” or what has to happen will happen. Hence if you keep the pursuit of your dream it is your MAKTUB.
So my friends do not just follow your destiny, make a destiny to follow! And the rest will be Makbub.

Ninad Dighe.

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