Saturday, July 3, 2010

In My Religion

I don’t believe in Heaven and Hell as my religion speaks of none (this is intended as pun)…
I feel the notion of torturing someone for eternity for 60 years of sin is absurd

That too When you leave your body here on earth.

If you say God loves every living thing, then why didn’t he make the lions vegetarian and you say it’s a sin if I eat meat?

I am not an atheist but I do not go by religion, I believe that is what corrupts God.

If by changing religion I could meet God, I do not want to meet such a God who judges me by my religion. For if he is God he shall understand, if he does not I better not meet such a supreme being since now God shall not remains "the God" in my mind.

Do not ask me to pray to God through a medium when I can pray to him directly. Don’t give my God a form as I like God unseen.

If anything here must be a sin I would say it is blind faith. (Let me leave the argument at this, but I will argue why, some other day.)

What God desires from me, not that I know.

What you ask me to blindly follow is not that for sure.

What is God’s wish, how are you to know.

What God desires of me, he will tell me for sure!

In my religion I say, is no religion at all.

Ninad Dighe.


Harsh said...

Gud one!!

Harsh said...

Gud one!!

Anonymous said...

Loved this line : If you say God loves every living thing, then why didn’t he make the lions vegetarian and you say it’s a sin if I eat meat?