If your question your faith and there arises even the slightest doubt about your beliefs in your mind, you are following your faith blindly. Blind faith I believe is like, walking into a hungry lion’s den believing the lion won’t harm you because your faith tells you so.
Why do people follow their faith so blindly? And why don’t most say, right I believe in most of what you said but hang on a minute, why should I listen to all you say without any rational consideration to all your arguments?
If anybody ever gets to reading this I would like to hear from you in my comments.
Ninad Dighe.
Completely agree with what is written here.In my opinion,following any belief or idea should come from our souls and not because of any external factor.
Thanks Karunya!
Well I think faith is believing in something that we don't have a proof about, and we do it all the time don't we...so it's ok to have faith consciously. However, I would like to add that I think that faith has got nothing to do with religion; and it's only when we mix the two that we become irrational.
Yes Amruta I am with you on all that you said. My point is, if you have the slightest doubt in your mind about whatever you believe might it be religion or not, there is a problem!
Thanks for your comment.
At the risk (or opportunity) of turning this into a discussion, I think we are full of doubts; in fact there is almost nothing that we are completely sure of...and when we are, in spite of several alternate possibilities, that's when we have faith...
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