Friday, October 1, 2010

Happily ever after!!

Our fight for existence never ends, and why should it? We strive for excellence every moment of our life. Career, relationships, luxuries and status we need it, no we want it, there is no end. Yet but we do not like change and definitely not struggle.

Pain is a part of life as not everything we get is easy; we need to take the risk to better our lives. There is struggle, anxiety and hope but in patience we wait for the right moment to come. With pain in our heart and hope in our eyes we wait and wait and wait, not knowing the outcome, still pushing through the tough times; we know deep within they shall end. The only thing we can do is try harder. Keep reminding ourselves this is not a mistake nor is this the end. For every step we is a step closer to freedom, freedom of better choice. As reaching our goal does not mean stopping in triumph in glory of our victory it just means we have won just a battle and the war awaits us. Don’t give up hope on losing either for you are still alive, take charge of your losses know your mistakes better and come back as strong as ever.

My mind is deep in thought, “I have tried hard but victory just eludes me, I am still not a winner and am losing my passion to carry on. Now look everyone is sympathizing for me. How but how do I look forward to victory for I see nothing in front of me.” Look I say to myself, “ is this what you want? is this your destination? NO, then why stop here? Carry on further, it might take time and hard you might have tried but now it is time for you to try harder.”

Faith in our hope, that what keeps us going. As we all know how it is going to end but we don’t know how we are going to get started. All we can do is trust our start and take the first step towards the end that we imagined. And as in fairy tales it will all end “happily ever after!”


Ninad Dighe.

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