Treat books as facts, I don’t mean all the books, books which give you knowledge not comic books and novels. When you have the facts or let us say information with you it is up to you what you do with it.
If you take any thoughts presented in a book and use it as a way of life by following each and every rule in it, you become very predictable and your actions become very annoying. We could as well have a computer program your actions and we would not lose anything. Over all the beauty of that computer or robot is that we could at the least SHUT the freaking thing off.
The beauty of life is in its unpredictability. That is, given the same set of rules to you that everyone else has but you using them your way than just follow them would produce beautiful results which are different and more often than not, are better. I could go on giving you the example of Newton, Einstein and so on. Might be what you think is different to me but I believe “if it works for me it does not mean it will work for you.”
Example: When Newton talked about gravity every one following Newton created this Newtonian philosophy where everything could be given a formula and everything had to follow a given set of rules. However when few scientists found that the universe does not follow a pre-set set of rules, nobody believed them. This is evident in the lives of Alan Mathison Turing and Boris Pavlovich Belousov. Which had given the world chaos theory, which states that: given all the same set of inputs to a simple equation when everything about the input is known the output is always different when the equations are run in the same known condition. This is also known as the Butterfly effect and well explained by Edward Norton Lorenz and further mathematically explained by Benoît B. Mandelbrot. Just to make a point that when we follow a preset set of rules we tend to overlook the other possibilities that could make thing better.
In my MiNd- Ninad Dighe
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