Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Alien Philosophy.

Does God Exists??
The answer I feel is well explained in the quote below, I don’t know who said it but for sure I didn’t.
“In order for life to have appeared spontaneously on Earth, there first had to be hundreds of millions of protein molecules of the Ninth Configuration. But, given the size of the planet Earth, do you know how long it would take for just one of these protein molecules to appear by chance? Roughly 10 to the 243rd power, billions of years; and I find that far, far more fantastic than simply believing in a God.”

I don’t argue about the existence of God, but let me put forward some of my thoughts.

Humans the Ultimate Machine.

Let us consider a power above us, a superpower let me call the power “GOD”. God made a machine, the ultimate machine (no points for guessing) “HUMANS”. A machine which could think for itself, sustain itself, reproduce, organize and repair itself. In making so he made many prototypes one better than the other. These prototypes are the animals we see around us. Consider the “machines”, as I call all the animals made by God, he (I am not being bias by calling God he, its for the ease of writing) realized he could make something better so he made Apes, Chimps and then humans.

There were already other machines made on earth, before God made humans so God made more machine which could kill or let me say terminate the smaller, now not so useful machines which He created. For example before He thought of humans he made deer, now that there were too many deer to deal with he made animals like lion, tigers etc.This machines lion, tigers etc would be killed when no more deer or weaker animals remain, thus their existence to will end.

That’s one thought, similarly, could we be, no no nothing else but still Machines, that were made by some aliens some many light years from earth. They brought us to earth, used us for some purpose (not know because no documents were or evidence was ever found) and when they were done with us they left us on earth and returned back. The only good news is we survived. Its not difficult to believe so.
What would you consider a super machine:
  • >Some thing that thinks for itself.
  • >Something on which, we do not have to spend money in Repair and maintenance.
  • >Which could end itself gradually when its purpose is done.
  • >Which could produce better machine with inherited property of its parent machine.
Might be the earth is one super laboratory, with some super aliens studying us. Some day they will come back to see how we have fared.

The Lunch Philosophy.
As I am a software engineer, I but obviously will think like one. I put forward a Philosophy which I call “The lunch Philosophy”. I am calling it so because this shity thought occurred to me and my friends over lunch.

Coded Humans
We are perfect machines, with our CPU being the brain, the programming language on which we are build is DNA and RNA. I will not make this article lengthy by defining all jargons like CPU, DNA and the ones I will be using, you want to know more about them you can always ask your best friend GOOGLE.

So what humans will be and what we are designed for is all present in our DNA. Now recent studies show that if your nature is good or even bad (criminal) you can blame it on your genes (or DNA), want more information on this ask your best friend.What are we (we means I, you everybody)?
We are inherited functions of our parents. That is we are part our mother and part our father.

To understand what you read further you will need to have some knowledge about programming languages (C++), if you don’t ask your best friend. We are a main function machine made from inherited machines our parents.

The machine we become.
As I said we are a main function machine, with lot of function defined within us. What parameters are passed to our main function and what be become depends on the environment in which we are born and brought up. So even though we have the same physiology and anatomy we have different psychology. All humans, for that matter even animal babies are born the same, only difference is that we have some of our parents inherited code (genes), the variables which are passed into our already defined humans functions to make us complete come from the culture, neighbors, school, place and the friends. That’s the reason why even genetically identical twins will be different because some were one of the variables passed to them (might be in terms of friend) is different. So even though genetically they are same, psychologically they will differ.

Nature is very beautiful and knowledgeable, if we want to make some intelligent machine we have to study ourselves “the ultimate machine”. That’s the reason why we have scientist and engineers studying human anatomy for subjects like Neural networks, AI and others.

Who ever designed us has designed us flawlessly. Nature has taken care of redundancy to a large extend. Consider humans, the human fetus grows as a female fetus for six weeks, in the sixth week sex differential chromosomes start to act, this is just one example, there are many out there which you will have to find our self.

Man the machine and Woman the mechanic.
We humans wont survive if we are not nurtured after we are born. If we study human anatomy the male are stronger, and build more to do physically tough work. Saying this will hurt many of our female oriented, women rights organization but I am not talking about today, I am talking about many years before the white collar jobs came, when men hunted and where work meant sweating it out physically.

The mechanic was made to take care of the machine and the help in producing newer machines and nurturing them to replace the older machines and so on. That’s the reason why women are genetically programmed to care, be more sensitive and understanding (are they I mean understanding .. hmm no comments.)

Why are we here??
All are here for a purpose said my grandma, all of us have a destiny. But I say we are the result of uncontrolled growth of never ending quest for survival and sexual desires.Let me say we are abandoned machines which were here for some purpose the purpose was met and we were left for ourselves as our masters left. Or was it that, after the purpose was met they tried to destroy us, you could say the first Armageddon which killed all the dinosaurs was planned by some alien who created us. What ever may be the reason we survived.Machines can think for themselves but machines cant think above themselves, so I say with all this weapons of mass destruction, humans differentiating between humans on basis of cast, creed, color and nationality, the second Armageddon is not far and will be brought about by we machines who cant think beyond our self.

This article is not based on any research but on discussions based on research, at lunch time. I am not trying to prove the existence or non-existence of GOD. But that we all are the result of something, that we all are here for a reason which we don’t know.

Since the time we are born we are thought that we need to survive till we die of natural cause. Our parents keep us alive initially, next 20 years we study so we could survive the future, sustain and reproduce and tell the latter generation that they too need to survive and sustain. How we do it depends on family and circumstances we are in, some survive more happily than the others, some are not so fortunate.


The world is not owned by any one person, whose death will end it.

From the brains of
Ninad Dighe.

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